Potential Contaminant
Source Inventories

An inventory of potential contaminant sources located within the source water assessment area is necessary for proper source water protection, management, and planning. With this information, a community can manage its source water protection area with a better understanding of the potential impacts to its drinking water supply. The level of effort for the potential contaminant source inventory is based on geographic location relative to the drinking water well or intake, and the available resources including time, money, and personnel. To help manage the potential contaminant source identification, local governments and community leaders are encouraged to assist with their inventory.

Comprehensive Contaminant Source Inventory:

A comprehensive contaminant source inventory conducted in "Zone A" source water assessment areas consists of using all existing information from the DENR and outside agency databases. As resources, time, and money allow, a more detailed inventory, including field verification, is conducted. The contaminant source inventory provides for the protection and benefit of public water supply systems by identifying potential contaminants that may impact the water system.

Limited Potential Contaminant Source Inventory:

A limited potential contaminant source inventory is conducted in "Zone B" source water assessment areas. The inventory in this area includes potential contaminant sources that are regulated facilities. A limited potential contaminant source inventory that includes "major" potential contaminant sources is conducted in "Zone C" source water assessment areas.

Local Verification of Potential Contaminant Source Inventories:

In addition to using existing information from the databases to conduct potential contaminant source inventories in the assessment areas, the DENR also enlists the assistance of local representatives, such as water system operators and/or community leaders. After the DENR has compiled and mapped the potential contaminant sources identified through information in the databases, the mapped inventory for each assessment area is sent to the local representative(s). The local representative is asked, based on their knowledge of the local area, to verify the presence and locations of the potential contaminant sources and to identify the location of any additional sources that were not identified through the database search. As time and resources allow, the DENR performs field verifications, which include the identification of potential contaminant sources and locations by visiting the source water protection area.