Waste Management
Southern Missouri Recycling and Waste Management District Landfill (SMRWMD)

- Facility Operator: Southern Missouri Recycling and Waste Management District
- Contact Person: Mike Wentland
- Telephone Number: (605) 487-9542
- Site Legal Location: NW1/4. Sec.6,T96N,R65W and portion of NE1/4, Sec.1, T96N,R66W in Charles Mix County
- Site Address: see map
- Landfill Hours: Call site for landfill schedule
- Permitted Tonnage per Year: <25,000
- Acreage of Permitted Area: 200.5
- Mailing Address:
Southern Missouri Recycling and Waste Management District
P. O. Box 146
Lake Andes, South Dakota 57356
- E-mail: smrwmd@cme.coop
- Webpage: Not available
- DANR Contact Person: Steve Kropp by email or call (605) 773-3153