Waste Management

Pesticide Container Recycling Program

The DANR offers a waste pesticide disposal and pesticide container recycling program pursuant to SDCL 38:20A:54. All eligible waste pesticides are based on the toxicity of the pesticide, condition of the container, and the potential for the pesticide to harm human health or the environment. In accordance with ARSD 12:56:18, all containers must meet specific requirements to be accepted in the recycling program.

Pesticide Container Collection Schedule and Sites

The 2025 pesticide container recycling collection schedule will be available in late spring. Please check back in late May to view the schedule.

If you are unable to make it to one of the scheduled collection locations, the locations below will accept prepared containers anytime during regular business hours. The hours of operation at the container collection sites may vary. Please call the collection sites to ensure that someone will be there to assist you.

  • South Dakota Department of Agriculture and Natural Resources Bait Station
    4075 Airport Road
    Pierre, SD 57501
    Phone: 605.773.3153

  • Missouri Valley Recycle Center
    840 N Crawford Road
    Vermillion, SD 57069
    Phone: 605.677.7076

Directions for Preparing 5-Gallon and Smaller Containers for Recycling

Wear PPE while rinsing containers as the label requires for handling and mixing. Remove container cap and empty all pesticide into spray tank. Allow container to drain for 30 seconds, then rinse immediately before product becomes difficult to remove. There are 2 rinsing options, pressure or triple rinsing. To pressure rinse you will need a fan nozzle, a rinse nozzle that punctures the container, or the rinse nozzle on your spray equipment. Next use the high-pressure water to rinse residue from the container dumping or draining it into your spray equipment. To triple rinse. Fill the container ¼ full of clean water and replace cap. Swirl liquid within container to rinse all inside surfaces. Remove cap and pour rinsate into the spray tank, allowing the container to drain for 30 seconds once again. Repeat the rinsing process two more times for a total of three times. Carefully rinse and spray residue from the outside of the container into the spray tank. Remove and throw away any paper labels and booklets once the container is rinsed. Rinse cap over spray tank opening and dispose of appropriately as regular solid waste.

Once the containers are prepared for recycling, they can be brought to a pesticide container collection site near you.

Waste Pesticide Collection and Disposal Program

Any pesticide formulation can be considered waste (unusable) if:

  • The label uses have been canceled (i.e. DDT and toxaphene)
  • The product is no longer in usable condition (i.e. dry products that have caked or liquids that have settled and can’t be remixed)
  • The product is unidentifiable or the label is missing, making proper use impossible

Questions regarding the waste pesticide collection and disposal program may be directed by email to Spike King or by calling (605) 773-3153.

Waste Pesticide Collection Site

The Pierre pesticide waste collection site hours of operation may vary. Please call DANR at (605) 773-3153 to ensure that someone will be there to assist you.