Waste Management
Northwest South Dakota Regional Landfill

- Facility Operator: Northwest South Dakota Regional Landfill
- Contact Person: Connie Bootz
- Telephone Number: (605)374-3246 or (605)244-5955
- Site Legal Location: Section 31, Township 17 North, Range 13 East in Perkins County
- Site Address: Not open to the public
- Landfill Hours: Not Available
- Permitted Tonnage per Year: <25,000
- Acreage of Permitted Area: 40
- Mailing Address:
Northwest South Dakota Regional Landfill
501 3rd Street East
Lemmon, South Dakota 57638
- E-mail: cbootz@sdplains.com
- Webpage: Not Available
- DANR Contact Person: Steve Kropp by email or call (605) 773-3153