Ambient Air Monitoring Standards

Pollutant Standard Unit Comments
Particulate Matter
PM10 - 24 hour 150 ug/m3 Primary and Secondary Standard: Maximum 24-hour average concentration with not more than one expected exceedance per year.
PM2.5 - 24 hour 35 ug/m3 Primary and Secondary Standard: based upon the annual 98th percentile averaged over a three year period.
PM2.5 - Annual 9 ug/m3 Primary and Secondary Standard: Maximum expected annual arithmetic mean averaged over three years.
Sulfur Dioxide
Annual 10 ppb Secondary Standard:  10 ppb, averaged over a three year period.
1 hour 75 ppb Primary Standard: based upon the annual 99th percentile averaged over a three year period.
Carbon Monoxide
8 hour 9.0 ppm Primary Standard: (10 milligrams per cubic meter of air), maximum 8-hour average concentration not to be exceeded more than once per year.
1 hour 35.0 ppm Primary Standard: (40 milligrams per cubic meter of air), maximum 1-hour average concentration not to be exceeded more than once per year.
8 hour
(2015 std)
0.070 ppm Primary and Secondary Standard: Fourth highest maximum 8-hour average concentration averaged over a three year period.
Nitrogen Dioxide
Annual 53 ppb Primary and Secondary Standard: maximum annual arithmetic mean concentration.
1 hour 100 ppb Primary Standard: based upon the annual 98th percentile averaged over a three year period.
Rolling 3 month average 1.5 ug/m3 Primary and Secondary Standard: annual maximum rolling 3 month average averaged over a three year period.