Labeling Requirements

Commercial Feed Labeling Requirements

For Commercial Feed the labeling requirements can be found at SDCL 39-14:

  1. The net weight;
  2. The product name and the brand name, if any, under which the commercial feed is distributed;
  3. The guaranteed analysis stated in such terms as the secretary of agriculture and natural resources by rule promulgated pursuant to the provisions of chapter 1-26 determines is required to advise the user of the composition of the feed or to support claims made in the labeling. In all cases, the substances or elements must be determinable by laboratory methods from generally recognized sources, such as the methods published by the association of official analytical chemists;
  4. The common or usual name of each ingredient used in the manufacture of the commercial feed. However, the secretary of agriculture and natural resources by rule promulgated pursuant to the provisions of chapter 1-26 may permit the use of a collective term for a group of ingredients which perform a similar function, or he may exempt such commercial feeds, or any group thereof, from this requirement of an ingredient statement if he finds that such statement is not required in the interest of consumers;
  5. The name and principal mailing address of the manufacturer or the person responsible for distributing the commercial feed;
  6. Adequate directions for use for all commercial feeds containing drugs and for such other feeds as the secretary of agriculture and natural resources may require by rule promulgated pursuant to the provisions of chapter 1-26 as necessary for their safe and effective use; and
  7. Such warning or caution statements as the secretary of agriculture and natural resources by rule promulgated pursuant to the provisions of chapter 1-26 determines are necessary for the safe and effective use of the commercial feed.

Customer Formula Feed Labeling Requirements

For Customer Formula Feed the labeling requirements can be found at SDCL linked above:

  1. Name and address of the manufacturer;
  2. Name and address of the purchaser;
  3. Date of delivery;
  4. The product name and brand name, if any, and the net weight of each registered commercial feed used in the mixture, and the net weight of each other ingredient used;
  5. Adequate directions for use for all customer-formula feeds containing drugs and for such other feeds as the secretary of agriculture and natural resources may require by rule promulgated pursuant to the provisions of chapter 1-26 as necessary for their safe and effective use; and
  6. Such warning or caution statements as the secretary of agriculture and natural resources by rule promulgated pursuant to the provisions of chapter 1-26 determines are necessary for the safe and effective use of the customer-formula feed.

Pet Food and Specialty Pet Food Requirements

Pet Food and Specialty Pet food requirements can be found at the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) Model bill and regulations. The general requirements are:

  1. Brand and Product Name: These rules address the use of ingredient names in the product name. How ingredients may be included in the product name depends on the percentage of that ingredient in the product, and the use of certain descriptors.
  2. Name of Species for which the pet food is intended: This must be conspicuously designated in words on the principal display panel, but may be included in the product name, such as "Beef Dog Food” or "Salmon Treats for Cats". The species must be typed out, a picture of the animal is not adequate.
  3. Quantity Statement: This is the net weight or net volume, and it must be expressed in the correct units and placed on the lower third of the principal display panel. For net weight or volume, pounds/ounces must be used.
  4. Guaranteed Analysis: This lists the percentage of each of the nutrients in the food. The minimum percent of crude protein and crude fat, the maximum percent of crude fiber and moisture are always required. Guarantees for other nutrients may be required to support any labeling claims (high in vitamin A) and you may include voluntary guarantees for other nutrients. The guarantees must be given in a specific order of protein, fat, fiber, moisture, ash, any other guarantees noted. The guaranteed analysis must be performed by a laboratory. The treat needs to be made and then a sample sent off to the lab for testing and results. Many people use Midwest Labs but any certified lab can be used.

  5. Calorie Content: The statement to be separate from the guaranteed analysis that shows the metabolizable energy (ME) in a familiar household unit (can, cup, treat). The ME can be calculated using the "Modified Atwater" formula from the results of the guaranteed analysis.
    ME (kcal/kg)= 10[(3.5xCP)+(8.5xCF)+(3.5xNFE)]
    ME = metabolizable energy
    CP = % crude protein on an as fed basis
    CF = % crude fat
    NFE = the difference between 100 and the sum of % CP, % CF, % Moisture, and % Ash.
  6. Ingredient statement: Ingredients must be listed in order of predominance by weight. The ingredient that makes up most of the weight of the product is listed first. The ingredients used must be Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). A list of GRAS ingredients can be found here.
  7. Nutritional Adequacy Statement: This is the statement that indicates that the food is complete and balanced for a particular life stage (growth, reproduction) or intended for intermittent or supplemental feeding (treats, meal toppers). Products that are conspicuously identified as a snack, treat, or supplement on the principal display panel are exempt.
  8. Feeding Directions: All pet foods labeled as complete or balanced for any or all life stages must include feeding directions and frequency. Feed directions are optional for treats as long as they are not labeled as complete and balanced and labeled as a snack or treat.
  9. Name and Address of Manufacturer or distributor: The name of your or your company as guarantor of the product and gives you or your company's location. The street address may be omitted but the city, state, and zip code must be shown. If someone else makes the product for you, you must show the words "manufactured for" or "manufactured by".

There may be additional requirements or other aspects of the label based on the species it is intended for or any claims that you may want to make.