Surface Water
Discharge Permits

Industrial Wastewater Discharges

Industrial wastewater treatment facilities which discharge to waters of the state are required to have a permit or permit coverage. If an industry discharges to a city or town’s sanitary sewer system, a pretreatment permit may be necessary. Pretreatment information is found on the pretreatment page.

Permit Applications

New Industrial Process Wastewater
Existing Industrial Process Wastewater
Non-Process Industrial Wastewater

Permit Limits

Permit limits are developed using technology-based and water quality-based methods. Several industrial categories are subject to technology-based effluent limits, which are developed using federal effluent guidelines. Water quality-based effluent limits are developed based on the South Dakota’s Surface Water Quality Standards.
Industrial Categories subject to effluent guidelines can be found on EPA’s website: Industrial Categories.
Additional effluent guideline information can be found on EPA’s website: Effluent Guidelines Information.

For more information about industrial wastewater permitting contact Kyle Doerr at (605) 773-3351.