For information on the Revolving Loan Program, email: Allison Kiner, Grants
and Loans Specialist I
Or call the Division of Resource Conservation & Forestry at 605.394.2395, or email DANR.
The Conservation District Special Revenue Fund (Revolving Loan Fund) was established by the South Dakota Legislature in 1949. Loans can be made to conservation districts for securing, by purchase or otherwise, necessary equipment, trees, and other plant materials, and supplies needed to further their programs.
This loan fund is administered by the Conservation Commission with expenditures approved by the Commission. Only loans are authorized from these funds, no other type of financial assistance. Conservation districts may use their loan to make loans themselves for the purpose of the fund.
The application will show:
All requests for funds shall be submitted to the Division of Resource Conservation & Forestry, Foss Building, 523 East Capitol Ave., Pierre, SD 57501-3182. They will be on forms approved by the State Conservation Commission. The Division will make the loan investigation and present the loan application to the Conservation Commission for their approval or disapproval.