Minerals, Mining, & superfund

New Mine Permit

The Minerals, Mining, and Superfund Program has received the following mine permit applications. Information on each application can be obtained by clicking on the applicant's name below.

Special, Exceptional, Critical, or Unique Lands Determination

Request for Determination of Special, Exceptional, Critical, or Unique Lands and Notice of Intent to Operate, General Mine Plan, Maps, and Special, Exceptional, Critical, or Unique Lands Assessment (Note: As requested by the State Archaeologist office and in accordance with SDCL 1-20-21.2, reports showing locations of archaeologic sites are considered confidential and are not available to the public) - December 3, 2021

Bentonite Performance Minerals' Proof of Filing Request for Determination with Butte County Register of Deeds Office and Proof of Mailing Request to Review Agencies - December 7, 2021

Notice of Request for Determination of Special, Exceptional, Critical, or Unique Lands - December 10, 2021

DANR Determination that Proposed Mine Area does not Constitute Special, Exceptional, Critical, or Unique Lands - February 15, 2022

Large Scale Mine Permit Application

Large Scale Mine Permit Application (Note: As requested by the State Archaeologist office and in accordance with SDCL 1-20-21.2, reports showing locations of archaeologic sites are considered confidential and are not available to the public. Also, lease information is also considered confidential and not available to the public) - October 21, 2022

Notification to Interested Persons and Butte County Commission of Receipt of Request for Determination - October 24, 2022

DANR Completeness Letter - November 7, 2022

Additional DANR Comments - November 14, 20n22

BPM Response to November 7, 2022 DANR Comments - February 28, 2024

Revised Large Scale Mine Permit Application (Note: As requested by the State Archaeologist office and in accordance with SDCL 1-20-21.2, reports showing locations of archaeologic sites are considered confidential and are not available to the public. Also, lease information is also considered confidential and not available to the public) - February 28, 2024

Revised Large Scale Mine Permit Application Appendices - February 28, 2024

Second DANR Completeness Letter - March 6, 2024

BPM Response to March 6, 2024 DANR Comments - April 11, 2024

Summary Document - April 11, 2024

DANR Completeness Email - April 17, 2024

BPM Response to April 17, 2024 DANR Comments - April 25, 2024

DANR Letter to BPM Declaring Permit Application Complete and Filed - April 30, 2024

Notice of Filing - April 30, 2024

DANR Notification to Review Agencies that Permit Application is Filed - April 30, 2024

Comments from Archaeological Research Center and the Department of Game, Fish, and Parks - May 25 and 29, 2024

DANR Recommendation for Conditional Approval of Application - June 18, 2024

DANR Notice of Decision - July 16, 2024


Special, Exceptional, Critical, or Unique Lands Determination

Request for Determination of Special, Exceptional, Critical, or Unique Lands and Notice of Intent to Operate, General Mine Plan, Maps, and Special, Exceptional, Critical, or Unique Lands Assessment (Note: As requested by the State Archaeologist office and in accordance with SDCL 1-20-21.2, reports showing locations of archaeologic sites are considered confidential and are not available to the public) - June 20, 2024

DANR Completeness Letter - July 15, 2024