The division offers technical assistance to individuals, service organizations, non-profit groups, and communities. We also provide Urban & Community Forestry (U&CF) assistance for establishing tree boards, development of tree ordinances, organization of street tree inventories, organization of tree planting projects, and advice on the proper care of trees. We help identify and control insect or disease problems. We can also provide assistance in sgrant preparation and administration.
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Inflation Reduction Act
The Resource Conservation & Forestry Division is utilizing funding from the Federal Inflation Reduction
Act to distribute a portion of the funds from the US Forest Service to communities within South Dakota.
Through this program, communities are awarded grants to help with a specific forestry problem, along with
promoting community forests and their importance. The grant does not require match by the community or
organization that receives the award as long as it is a designated disadvantaged community (as denoted by
the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool).
Further details and application information
Community Forestry GrantFurther details and application information
Community Forest Initiative
The Community Forest Initiative focuses on providing the services of tree care professionals to South
Dakota communities. By entering into an agreement with the division, participaing communities will gain
the services of one of our urban foresters, all of whom are also International Society of Arboriculture
(ISA) Certified Arborists. These services are provided at no cost to the community. Division staff will
work with city staff to determine management objectives and to develop the tools and information necessary
to accomplish those goals.
Community Food Forests Food forests are diverse, sustainable ecosystems designed to mimic natural forests, where a variety of edible plants, trees, and shrubs grow together. By fostering biodiversity and using regenerative practices, food forests improve soil health, conserve water, and reduce the need for chemical fertilizers or pesticides. This approach promotes sustainable land use while creating more resilient and self-sufficient food systems for communities.
The Division provides training in all aspects of urban forestry and arboriculture (the care and
maintenance of trees). Technical assistance is provided by service foresters located throughout the state.
However, we concentrate our efforts on assisting communities with the development of local community
forestry programs.
Tree Boards
Local tree boards, which are a very important part of any community forestry program, provide the
foundation for most of the community forestry programs in South Dakota. Tree boards, whether volunteer or
paid, perform a wide variety of functions. They develop local tree ordinances, prepare annual work plans,
provide planting, pruning, and removal projects, and coordinate local Arbor Day Arbor Day activities. At
present time, there are 53 known tree boards across the state.
Street tree
inventories, conducted by the state Resource Conservation & Forestry Division, assist communities in
improving their urban forestry programs. The information gathered during inventories helps cities track
how many trees they have, what condition they are in, the sizes of tree species found along the city
streets, and other valuable technical information.
After inventories are complete, the communities can use the information to better manage their trees and make plans to improve the urban forest in their municipality. Properly managing and maintaining existing trees will improve safety and aesthetics. Shade and energy savings are also benefits of maintaining the trees.
Volunteer master gardeners, along with community volunteers, work with the state forestry division staff to complete the inventories. The data is maintained in each community and state forestry staff are available to provide technical assistance to maintain and improve the forest resources.
If you are interested in an inventory for your community, or if you would like to volunteer to assist with an inventory, contact the Urban & Community Forester with the S.D. Department of Agriculture, Division of Resource Conservation & Forestry, 523 E. Capitol, Pierre, SD, 57501 or 605.773.3623.
Tree City USA
Tree City USA recognizes communities who demonstrate a commitment towards effective urban forest
management. Tree City USA recognition celebrates dedication to public tree care and promoting the
positive effects trees have on neighborhoods, businesses, environment, and wildlife. The Arbor Day
Foundation sponsors Tree City USA in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service and the National
Association of State Foresters.
Trees in Cities and Towns
Urban trees can have a significant impact on heat islands, energy conservation, health, disturbed sites,
business districts, and stormwater models. These publications and others are presented here.