The water treatment plant general permit is designed for drinking water systems which have discharges from normal operation of water treatment and distribution. This includes overflows from treatment and storage systems, filter backwash and settling basins, disinfection and flushing of potable water lines, storage system disinfection, and water line breaks and leak repairs. The Notice of Intent (NOI) must be completed and submitted to the department in order to apply for permit coverage.
General Permit to discharge water associated with Water Treatment and Distribution Activities
Statement of Basis for the general permit to discharge water associated with Water Treatment and Distribution Activities
Notice of Intent (NOI) for obtaining coverage under the General Permit for Discharges associated with Water Treatment and Distribution Activities.
Notice of Termination (NOT) for terminating coverage under the General Permit for Discharges associated with Water Treatment and Distribution Activities.
If you have any questions regarding the Water Treatment Plant General Permit, please contact Raul Vasquez at 605-773-3351.
For information about the department's regulatory requirements for operating a water treatment system, please visit the Drinking Water site.