Current Register of Big Trees

Tree Species Circumfrence
(feet & inches)
Crown Spread
Point Score Nearest Community County Photo(s)
Apricot, Manchurian
Prunus armeniaca
5' 6" 25' 29.25' 98.3 Aberdeen Brown Photo of apricot tree
Birch, Paper
 Betula papyrifera
7' 9" 46' 56.5' 153.1 Aberdeen Brown Photo of paper birch tree
 Acer negundo
6' 9 41' 41' 132.25 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of boxelder tree
Buckeye, Ohio
 Aesculus glabra
10' 2" 49' 44' 182 Colton Minnehaha Photo of Ohio buckeye tree
Catalpa, Northern
 Catalpa speciosa
11' 6" 62' 60' 215 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of northern catalpa tree
Cherry, Black
 Prunus serotina
4' 7" 46' 30.15' 108.54 Mitchell Davison Photo of black cherry tree
Coffeetree, Kentucky
 Gymnocladus dioicus
9' 4" 62' 65' 190.3 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of Kentucky coffeetree
 Populus deltoides
32' 7" 93' 125' 515.25 Canton Lincoln Cottonwood
Elm, American
 Ulmus americana
17' 8" 55' 102' 292.5 Chamberlain Brule Photo of American elm
Elm, Siberian
 Ulmus pumila
11' 5" 74' 60.95' 226.24 Mitchell Davison Photo of Siberian elm
Fir, Balsam
 Abies balsamea
3' 7" 41' 28' 91 Watertown Codington Photo of balsam fir
Fir, Douglas
 Pseudotsuga menziesii
8' 2" 67' 46.45' 176.61 Mitchell Davison Photo of Douglas fir
Fir, White (concolor)
 Abies concolor
8' 9" 60' 35' 173.75 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of white fir
 Ginkgo biloba
7' 4 52' 50' 152.5 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of ginko
 Celtis occidentalis
11' 5 57' 70' 211.5 Garretson Minnehaha Photo of hackberry
Hemlock, Eastern
 Tsuga canadensis
3' 4" 30' 36' 79 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of eastern hemlock
 Gleditsia triancanthos
13' 11" 82' 102' 274.5 Elk Point Union Photo of honeylocust
 Aesculus hippocastanum
11' 6" 51' 37' 198.25 Spearfish Lawrence Photo of horsechestnut
Juniper, Rocky Mountain
 Juniperus scopulorum
6' 6" 39' 27.5' 124.38 Howes Meade Photo of Rocky Mountain juniper
Larch, European
 Larix decidua
9' 3" 64' 64' 191 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of European larch
Lilac, Japanese Tree
 Syringa reticulata
11" 20' 12' 6" 34.125 Sturgis Meade Photo of Japanese Lilac
Linden, American
 Tilia americana
16' 3 70' 64' 281 Vermillion Clay Photo of American linden
Linden, Littleleaf
 Tilia cordata
5' 3" 49' 33' 120.25 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of littleleaf linden
Locust, Black
 Robinia pseudoacacia
10'" 77' 68.25' 214.06 Mitchell Davison Photo of black locust
Maple, Black
 Acer nigra
2' 35' 46' 70.5 Mitchell Davison Photo of Black Maple
Maple, Norway
 Acer platanoides
8' 8" 53' 62' 173.5 Hudson Lincoln Photo of Norway maple
Maple, Silver
 Acer saccharinum
21' 10" 74' 100' 361 Flandreau Moody Photo of silver maple
Oak, Bur
 Quercus macrocarpa
13' 6" 66' 99' 252.8 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of bur oak
Oak, Northern Red
 Quercus rubra
13' 2" 72' 81' 250.3 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of northern red oak
Oak, Pin
 Quercus palustris
11' 4" 84' 64' 236 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of pin oak
Oak, Swamp White
 Quercus bicolor
5' 8" 44' 43' 122.75 Watertown Codington Photo of swamp white oak
Orange, Osage
 Maclura pomifera
1' 7" 39' 33' 66.25 Mitchell Davison Photo of Osage Orange
 Carya illinoinensis
5' 3" 61' 38' 133.5 Rapid City Pennington Photo of Pecan
Persimmon, American
 Diaspyros virginiana
9" 25' 20' 6" 39.125 Mitchell Davison Photo of American Persimmon
Pine, Austrian
 Pinus nigra
8' 2" 70' 58' 182.5 Brookings Brookings Photo of Austrian pine
Pine, Eastern White
 Pinus strobus
8' 7" 89' 66' 208.5 Hudson Lincoln Photo of eastern white pine
Pine, Jack
 Pinus bankslana
4' 6" 41' 21' 100.25 Burke Gregory Photo of Jack Pine
Pine, Limber
 Pinus flexilis
3' 11" 42' 18.75' 93.6875 Custer Custer Photo of Limber Pine
Pine, Lodgepole
 Pinus contorta var. latifolia
4' 5" 62' 13' 118.25 Rochford Lawrence Photo of lodgepole pine
Pine, Ponderosa
 Pinus ponderosa
11' 3 93' 32.5' 236.125 Hill City Pennington Photo of ponderosa pine
Poplar, White
 Populus alba
15' 6" 60' 65' 272.3 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of white poplar
Redbud, Eastern
 Cercis canadensis
8' 10" 23' 31' 136.8 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of eastern redbud
Redcedar, Eastern
 Juniperus virginiana
12' 9" 66' 26' 225.5 Brookings Brookings Photo of eastern redcedar
Russian Olive
 Elaeagnus angustifolia
8' 8.3"" 35' 44' 152 Sturgis Meade Photo of Russian olive
Spruce, Black Hills
 Picea glauca var. densata
7' 3.5" 100' 20' 193 Custer Custer Photo of Black Hills spruce
Spruce, Colorado Blue
 Picea pungens
11' 9" 78' 50' 232 Yankton Yankton Photo of Colorado blue spruce
Spruce, Norway
 Picea abies
10' 6" 81' 68' 224 Valley Springs Minnehaha Photo of Norway spruce
Sycamore, American
 Platanus occidentalis, Linn.
13' 4" 87' 86' 268.5 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of American sycamore
Tree of Heaven
 Ailanthus altissima
4' 4" 31.9' 29.975' 91.144 Pierre Hughes Photo of Tree of Heaven
 Liriodendron tulipifera
5' 9" 43' 40.5' 122.13 Mitchell Davison Photo of tuliptree
Walnut, Black
 Juglans nigra
10' 4" 83' 75' 225.75 Sioux Falls Minnehaha Photo of black walnut
Willow, White
 Salix alba
17' 37' 35' 249.75 Whitewood Lawrence Photo of white willow
Willow, White X Crack
 Salix alba X Salix euxina
15' 5" 60' 61.5' 260.38 Aberdeen Brown Photo of white willow