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Conservation & Forestry - Facts & Impact

In the last 50 years, crop production has increased immensely as South Dakota farmers embraced new technologies, better hybrids, and more efficient land-use practices. Today’s farmers are using crop production products and fertilizers more efficiently, while reducing erosion and employing sustainable tillage practices

No-Till Farming Acres in South Dakota
  • Practicing responsible resource conservation and embracing modern technologies has resulted in increased yields on fewer acres with minimal environmental impacts.
  • Crops and forestry products produce the food, feed, fiber, and fuel we depend on and also serve as the fundamental building blocks of the 21st century renewable economy. These “Five Fs” are the common thread tying agriculture to the lives of everyone on the planet.
  • South Dakota producers also provide habitat and feed for our state’s abundant wildlife. Hunting pheasants, deer, ducks, geese, and other wildlife has long been a family tradition in South Dakota. Each year, hundreds of thousands of sportsmen enjoy our excellent hunting opportunities.
South Dakota’s Forest Industry
  • 511 million trees in forestland
  • 1.7 million acres of forestland
  • 18 wood/paper manufacturing facilities
  • 3,548 people employed in the forest industry
*Data courtesy of USDA NASS, USDA NRCS and SDDA.